Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tata Communications and BT Join Forces to Extend Telepresence Connectivity
This represents a major step towards open, ubiquitous connectivity between Telepresence endpoints, regardless of their parent network.
Using the intercompany service that both organizations are launching, any Cisco TelePresence customer of BT's Global Video Exchange or Tata Communications' Global Meeting Exchange can invite clients of the other service provider to join them in multipoint Telepresence meetings. The meetings can be hosted on either the Tata Communications or the BT Telepresence Exchange.
Both companies are going to be offering trials to current customers across both exchanges.
Click this link to see full press release.
Whygos Take: It had to start somewhere and who better than TATA & BT. They both have CISCO driven exchanges, and like most carriers Telepresence customers, they want access to public rooms so they don't have to pay the price tag of buying more Telepresence equipment. The big positive is this is the first foot foward from the carriers to interconnect which is great news.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Vidyo First to Achieve 1440p/60fps Multiparty Video Conference
Groundbreaking VidyoConferencing to be Demonstrated at InfoComm
Vidyo Inc., the first company to deliver personal telepresence, announced today that it has set a new benchmark in videoconferencing with the first system to attain 1440p (decode) in an HD multiparty video conference via general purpose IP networks. Vidyo is able to deliver unprecedented video fidelity at 2560 x 1440p resolution (77% more pixels than 1080p) via a standard Internet connection due to its unique patented architecture and videorouter technology. Because Vidyo uses Intel architecture-based platforms, it is able to take advantage of Intel’s fastest, intelligent multi-core technology, achieving milestones in videoconferencing price and performance.
VidyoConferencing supporting 1440p requires at least 4Mbps and will be available in July of this year.
The Vidyo architecture offers the only multipoint videoconferencing that does not transcode, yet delivers rate matching without adding latency. This capability is key to mixing devices and networks that can support 1440p with ones that do not. With VidyoTechnology, 1440p can be enjoyed on some devices, while other smaller devices connected to networks such as the public Internet, as well as 3G, 4G, WiMAX and LTE, can participate in the call, still maintaining a low latency personal telepresence experience.
Whygos take - Great 1st to market. Even better that it easily mixes with lower bandwidth networks and devices. The only issue we see, is the ever growing remote worker market and do many of them have access to 2Meg let alone 4Meg?
Still, great breakthrough to the Vidyo team.
Welcome to the Whygo Videoconferencing BLOG
we have finally and proudly launched the Whygo BLOG.
In keeping with the blogging world we have joined the growing momentum that is blog.
Most of you already know what a blog is, and to you we bid a warm welcome. To those that are not "au fait" with blogging, to blog is simply to write stories about your business or your industry and publish them online for the world to see.
Well at least that seems to be the general gist for business bloggers out there. Truth be told that the blog is for basically publishing anything on your mind that you want to share.
Whygo see this as a great way to help keep people informed of what our business does and more so our industry and we hope you find our blogs as fun and interesting to read as we will have in researching the latest and greatest in the industry and sharing it with you.
Kind Regards

The Whygo Blog Head Team